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Husband of one, father of 4,grandfather of 2, Church relations specialist,and very thankful for God's continual grace.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It ain't over till the fat lady sings....

Jesus told the disciples in Matthew 24:36 that no one knows what day or hour that He will return. Only the Father knew. Why then do we continue to try to predict the end of human history? Make no mistake. The Bible is clear that Christ will return... How and when there is much debate about. The latest prediction of the rapture and judgement is May 21, 2011. The people that make such predictions are obsessed with codes and secret knowledge. This is not new... Most cults get started this way: A date set for Christ's return obtained by one of a few persons by special revelation. The Bible does indeed speak, but will never undermine itself. The Bible assumes God's authority. Man's problem is that we try to make the Bible say what WE want it to say. When we impose on the Scripture we are on dangerous ground. Many well meaning people have set dates for Christ's return in order for mankind to repent and believe the good news of Christ's salvation. The tactics of fear are seldom helpful. God is a God of mercy. He is also a holy God who has been offended by our sin. He put the punishment that our sins deserve on His own Son. Jesus Christ bore the wrath of God in our place. We should trust in this and live for God and let God handle the events for the future.... after all, it is God's world. Only God has the right to know when He returns. All we need to do is be ready at all times. Throw codes and speculations and astrological signs away and simply trust God to do His will when He wants to. It's a whole lot easier to believe God and simply live for Him. It is the height of arrogance to believe something God said we could not know. From the rebellion of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, mankind has continued to trust in himself rather than trust in and obey God. Bottom line; this is idolatry. Our sin is pride. The desire to worship ourselves (the creation) rather than God (the Creator), Romans 1:18-25.
This date, May 21, 2011 will pass... Unless for some reason God has fixed this day as the day of Christ's return, be assured it is not because some man says so...We should still be looking for His appearing, but never cease to live each day for Him and telling others about Him. Jesus will return: There is much debate about whether there is a rapture or whether it is resurrection language used. Whether the Church is removed from the earth while God executes justice, or whether God has been executing and continues to be execute justice throughout all of human history from the resurrection of Jesus until His Second Coming, is entirely God's business. We are foolish to get swept up in end time hysteria... It makes us ineffective in this life. The Church is about God's kingdom rule right now AND at a time of God's own choosing when His Son returns.

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